

  • PhD course on Wireless Communications for the IoT AI in (for) 6G, (Data-driven) Optimization
    Spring 2024, Aalborg University
  • Performance and Reliability Analyses of Communication Networks (CE7-NDS, CE9-AVS, ES7, ES9)
    Fall 2023, Aalborg University
  • Advances in Electronic Systems (ES9) Semantic and Goal-oriented Communications
    Fall 2023, Aalborg University
  • PhD course on Wireless Communications for the IoT ML for IoT, TinyML, Data Valuation, Semantic and Goal-oriented Communications
    Fall 2023, Aalborg University
  • Dependable and Secure Distributed Systems (CE7-NDS ) Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), Smart Contracts, Internet of Things (IoT)
    Fall 2023, Aalborg University
  • Dependable and Secure Distributed Systems (CE7-NDS ) Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), Smart Contracts, Internet of Things (IoT)
    Fall 2022, Aalborg University

    Project Supervision (AAU)

  • Masters Level, CE7-NDS (30 ECTS), Application of Double Deep Q-Learning for Malware Defence
    Fall 2023, Aalborg University
  • Masters Level, CE7-NDS (30 ECTS), Utilizing Smart Contracts in Blockchains to Relieve Grid Congestion Using Consumer Flexibility
    Fall 2023, Aalborg University
  • Masters Level, CT10-NDS (30 ECTS), Investigating the cost of ML-based fingerprinting localisation for integrated sensing and communication in cell-free massive MIMO systems
    Spring 2023, Aalborg University
  • Masters Level, MATTEK-10 (30 ECTS), Client selection in FL on non-iid data using conformal prediction
    Spring 2023, Aalborg University
  • Bachelors Level, ES-EIT5-516, Surveillance and intruder tracking system for drones, "Tracking of drones in restricted airspace"
    Fall 2022, Aalborg University


  • UBISS 2023: "UBICOMP 2023 Summer School" at the University of Oulu, Finland. [Workshop B Homepage]
    17 June, 2023.
  • Invited Talk: "Value-of-Information (VoI) in Trajectory Estimation for Digital Twins" at Aalborg Robotic Challenge (ARC), Aalborg. Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA). [Workshop Homepage]
    26 May, 2023.
  • Invited Talk: "Intelligent Resource Slicing for eMBB-URLLC Coexistence in 5G", CIP-N 2023, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal. [Conference Homepage]
    6 April, 2023.
  • Invited Talk: "Decentralized Learning and IoT Data Market", Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal. [Annoucement]
    16 March, 2023.
  • Invited Talk: "Semantic Communications: A Data Valuation Perspective" at NTT-AAU Workshop 2023, Aalborg University, Denmark.
    2 March, 2023.
  • Invited Talk: "Decentralized Learning and IoT Data Market" at Future of Communications, Villum Investigator Grant, CNT Annual Workshop 2022, Aalborg University, Denmark. [Workshop Homepage]
    12 Dec, 2022.
  • Invited Talk: "Data Valuation in IoT Data Market: Pricing, Privacy and Learning" at University of West England, UK.
    02 Nov, 2022.
  • Webinar: "Science and Research: Scope, Opportunities and Challenges" at Hrit Academy, Kathmandu, Nepal. Slides here: in Nepali, in English
    25 July, 2021.
  • Industry Experience

  • Network Engineer Huawei Technologies Nepal Co. Pvt. Ltd
    2013 - 2016
    • IP Network Planning, Design, and Implementation for Nepal Telecom 10M GSM Line Project (2G/3G)
    • Low Level Design (LLD) for NT Kathmandu Rehabilitation Project
    • L3 AGS Project, L2/L3 Network Configuration (s9303)
    • OSS Engineer (U2000, U2000 HA implementation: planning, commissioning, configuration and troubleshooting)
    • Transmission Network Engineer (OSN550/UA5000, IPMB, PVM/RTN910)
    • Trainer, Transmission Network Products
  • Intern, Network Operations Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd
    Summer 2013
    • Internee support staff at NETOPS (NETwork Operation - Fiber Optics)
    • Network Engineer (L2 Network and Cable Internet)
  • Academic Experience

  • Graduate Researcher, Networking Intelligence Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University
    2016 - Present.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant with Professor. Nguyen H. Tran (at present with The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia)
    2016 - 2018.
    • CSE-710100, Advanced Probability and Statistics
    • CSE-710400, Queuing Theory
    • CSE-710200, Optimization Theory
    • CSE-840200, Network Optimization
    • AMTH-1004-03, Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • Graduate Project, Fault Resilient IoT Networks, Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea
    2016 - Oct. 2020.
    Collaborators: Kyung Hee University, KAIST, Seoul National University, Data Alliance (Industry Partner)
    • M2M Communication Module, System Implementation
  • Undergraduate Projects, Kathmandu University
    2009 - 2013.
    • Final year research project Modeling and Simulation of WiMAX/IEEE 802.16e Physical Layer
    • Miscellaneous projects 3D LED-Display, Wall Following Robot, IR Switch, Filters Design