Sporadic updates. Please kindly visit my google scholar profile for a full list of publications.
Book Chapters
- Shashi Raj Pandey, Van-Phuc Bui, Petar Popovski, 2024. "Semantic and Goal-oriented Communication: A Data Valuation Perspective", to be published by Wiley (editors: W. Saad, C. Chaccour, C. Thomas, and M. Debbah)
- Bui, V.P., Pandey, S.R., Chiariotti, F. and Popovski, P., 2023."Game Networking Principles for Real-Time Social Networking in the Metaverse."(under review, IEEE Communications Magazine.)
- Le, T.H.T., Cantos, Luggi, Pandey, S.R., Shin, Hyundong and Kim, Y.H., 2023. "Federated Learning with NOMA Assisted by Multiple Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Latency Minimizing Optimization and Auction." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)
- Bui, V.P., Pandey, S.R., Chiariotti, F. and Popovski, P., 2023."Scheduling Policy for Value-of-Information (VoI) in Trajectory Estimation for Digital Twins." IEEE Communications Letters (CL)
- Christensen, R.B., Pandey, S.R., and Popovski, P., 2023."Semi-Private Computation of Data Similarity With Applications to Data Valuation and Pricing." IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS).
- Pandey, S.R., Pinson, P., and Popovski, P., 2022."Participation and Data Valuation in IoT Data Markets through Distributed Coalitions."(in press, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ))
- Nguyen, M. N., Pandey, S.R., Dang, T.N., Huh, E.N., Hong, C.S., Tran, N. H. and Saad, W., 2022."Self-organizing Democratized Learning: Towards Large-scale Distributed Learning Systems." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).
- Pandey, S.R., Nguyen, L.D. and Popovski, P., 2022."A Contribution-based Device Selection Scheme in Federated Learning." IEEE Communications Letters (CL)
- Nguyen, M. N., Le, H. Q., Pandey, S.R., and, Hong, C.S., 2022."CDKT-FL: Cross-Device Knowledge Transfer using Proxy Dataset in Federated Learning." (under review).</li
- Nguyen, L. D., Pandey, S.R., Beatriz, S., Broering, A., & Popovski, P. (2021). "A Marketplace for Trading AI Models based on Blockchain and Incentives for IoT Data." (preprint)
- Popovski, P., Chiariotti, F., Croisfelt, V., Kalør, A.E., Leyva-Mayorga, I., Marchegiani, L., Pandey, S.R., and Soret, B., 2021."Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity in 6G: An Interplay of Time, Space, Intelligence, and Value."
- Pandey, S.R., Nguyen, M.N., Dang, T.N., Tran, N.H., Thar, K., Han, Z. and Hong, C.S., 2021. "Edge-assisted Democratized Learning Towards Federated Analytics." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ)
- Alsenwi, M., Tran, N. H., Bennis, M., Pandey, S.R., Bairagi, A. K., Hong, C.S., 2021. "Intelligent Resource Slicing for eMBB and URLLC Coexistence in 5G and Beyond: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Approach."IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC).
- Pandey, S.R., Kim, K., Alsenwi, M., Tun, Y.K., Han, Z. and Hong, C.S., 2021. "Latency-sensitive Service Delivery with UAV-Assisted 5G Networks.", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL)
- Le, T.H.T., Tran, N.H., Tun, Y.K., Nguyen, M.N., Pandey, S.R., Han, Z. and Hong, C.S., 2021.
"An Incentive Mechanism for Federated Learning in Wireless Cellular network: An Auction Approach." IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications< (TWC)/i></li>
- Zaw, C.W., Pandey, S.R., Kim, K. and Hong, C.S., 2021."Energy-aware Resource Management for Federated Learning in Multi-access Edge Computing Systems."IEEE ACCESS
- Tun, Y.K., Park, Y.M., Tran, N.H., Saad, W., Pandey, S.R., and Hong, C.S., 2021."Energy-efficient resource management in UAV-assisted mobile edge computing." IEEE Communications Letters (CL)
- Manzoor, A., Kazmi, S.A., Pandey, S.R., and Hong, C.S., 2021. "Contract-based Scheduling of URLLC Packets in Incumbent EMBB Traffic." IEEE ACCESS
- Pandey, S.R.*, Khan, L. U.*, Tran, N. H., Saad, W., Han, Z., Nguyen, M. N., Hong, C. S., Nov 2020. "Federated Learning for Edge Networks: Resource Optimization and Incentive Mechanism.", IEEE Communications Magazine.
- Nguyen, M. N., Pandey, S.R.,Thar, K., Tran, N. H., Chen, M., Saad, W., Hong, C. S., 2020. "Distributed and Democratized Learning: Philosophy and Research Challenges." IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine.
- Pandey, S.R., N. H. Tran, M. Bennis, Y. K. Tun, A. Manzoor, and C. S. Hong., 2020. "A Crowdsourcing Framework for On-Device Federated Learning." IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)
- Suhail, S., Hussain, R., Abdellatif, M., Pandey, S.R., Khan, A. and Hong, C.S., 2020. "Provenance-enabled Packet Path Tracing in the RPL-based Internet of Things." Computer Networks
- Manzoor, A., Kim, K, Pandey, S.R., Tran, N.H., Saad, W., Kazmi, S.A., Pandey, S.R. and Hong, C.S., 2020. "Ruin Theory for Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in UAV-assisted Cellular Networks." IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM)
- Tun, Y.K., Ndikumana, A., Pandey, S.R., Han, Z. and Hong, C.S., 2019. "Joint Radio Resource Allocation and Content Caching in Heterogeneous Virtualized Wireless Network", ( IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, pp. 110023 - 110034, Aug).
- Alsenwi, M., Yaqoob, I., Pandey, S.R., Tun, Y.K., Bairagi, A.K., Kim, L.W., and Hong, C.S., "Towards Coexistence of Cellular and WiFi Networks in Unlicensed Spectrum: A Neural Networks Based Approach", ( IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, pp. 110023 - 110034, Aug).
- Tun, Y.K., Tran, N.H., Ngo, D.T., Pandey, S.R., Han, Z. and Hong, C.S., 2019. "Wireless Network Slicing: Generalized Kelly Mechanism Based Resource Allocation", (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 37, pp. 1794-1807, July).
- Manzoor, A., Tran, N.H., Saad, W., Kazmi, S.A., Pandey, S.R., and Hong, C.S., 2018. "Ruin Theory for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in LTE-U Networks", (IEEE Communications Letters (CL), 23(2), pp.366-369).
- Pandey, S.R., Suhail, S. and Hong, C.S., 2017. "Q-learning Supplemented Crowdsensing Framework for Resource Constrained Devices", (KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, 24(7), pp. 1239-1241).
</ol>International Conferences
- Bui, V.P., Dinh, T.Q., Leyva-Mayorga, I., Pandey, S.R., Lagunas, E. and Popovski, P., 2023. "On-board Change Detection for Resource-efficient Earth Observation with LEO Satellites", IEEE Globecom 2023, Malaysia
- Pandey, S.R., Bui, V.P. and Popovski, P., 2023. "Goal-Oriented Communications in Federated Learning via Feedback on Risk-Averse Participation", PIMRC 2023-WS NAISC, Toronto, Canada
- Pandey, S.R., Nguyen, L.D. and Popovski, P., 2022. "FedToken: Tokenized Incentives for Data Contribution in Federated Learning", FL-NeurIPS'22. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Pandey, S.R., Kim, k., Alsenwi, M., Tun, Y.K. and Hong, C.S., 2021 "A Crowd-enabled Task Execution Approach in UAV Networks Towards Fog Computing", IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp) 2021. Jeju Island, Korea. (Oral Presentation)
- Nguyen, M.N., Pandey, S.R., and Tran, N.H., 2020. "Distributed and Democratized Machine Learning at the Edge."(ACM SIGMETRICS, The International Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC))
- Alsenwi, M., Tun, Y.K., Pandey, S.R., Ei, N. N. and Hong, C.S., 2020 "UAV-Assisted Multi-Access Edge Computing System: An Energy-Efficient Resource Management Framework", International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) IEEE. pp. 214-219. Barcelona, Spain. (Oral Presentation)
- Shashi Raj Pandey, Nguyen H. Tran, Mehdi Bennis, Yan Kyaw Tun, Zhu Han, and Choong Seon Hong "Incentivize to Build: A Crowdsourcing Framework for Federated Learning", IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9 - 13 December 2019.
- Alsenwi, M., Tun, Y.K., Pandey, S.R., and Hong, C.S., 2019 "A Hopfield Neural Networks Based Mechanism for Coexistence of LTE-U and WiFi Networks in Unlicensed Spectrum", 20th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS). IEEE. 18 - 20 September, Matsue, Japan. (Student Best Paper Award)
- Tun, Y.K., Alsenwi, M., Pandey, S.R., Zaw, C.W. and Hong, C.S., 2019 "Energy Efficcient Multi-Tenant Resource Slicing in Virtualized Multi-Access Edge Computing, 20th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS). IEEE. 18 - 20 September, Matsue, Japan.
- Alsenwi, M., Pandey, S.R., Tun, Y.K., Kim, K.T. and Hong, C.S., 2019 "A Chance Constrained Based Formulation for Dynamic Multiplexing of eMBB-URLLC Traffics in 5G New Radio", International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) IEEE. pp. 108-113. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Oral Presentation)
- Tun, Y.K., Pandey, S.R., Alsenwi, M., Zaw, C.W. and Hong, C.S., 2019 "Weighted Proportional Allocation Based Power Allocation in Wireless Network Virtualization for Future Wireless Networks, International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) IEEE. pp. 284-289. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Oral Presentation)
- Pandey, S.R., Alsenwi, M., Tun, Y.K. and Hong, C.S., 2019 "A Downlink Resource Scheduling Strategy for URLLC Traffic", IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). pp.1-6. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (Oral Presentation)
- Pandey, S.R. and Hong, C.S., 2018 "Response Driven Efficient Task Load Assignment in Mobile Crowdsourcing" International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) IEEE. pp. 442-446. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Thesis slides can be found "here"