Becoming colorless

[ poem  ]

That day,
I was cornered and schooled,
“Life is all about colors,”
and meaningless without -
I was all black and white.

People, I don’t remember who
“wisely” fixed me up - they said.

Over the years,
I was painted with myriad colors.
Possibly a blend of green, dark blue,
and yellow - the colors I admired too.

Now, I ain’t no black and white,
but that didn’t make things right either,
I came to realize.

It was “perfectly” okay to be colorless.

And I was better with no color.
“These” colors were mere prejudices-
a false social construct,
tamed to kill your childhood.

All your life,
your aspirations, dreams, and efforts
in becoming colorful goes through a race,
you should never participate in.

When life was all black and white
I remember we were happy with
who we were, and what we had.

Our hopes behold all bright sky.

But that day,
we were cornered and schooled,
“Life is all about colors,”
and meaningless without -
And we were all black and white.

It was the beginning of all this.
